Stephanie Holmer

Stephanie Holmer

Steering Group Member

Stephanie was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. She completed a B.S. in Chemistry at Kent State University, followed by a Ph.D. in Cell Biology at Duke University (where she studied an infectious fungal disease called Cryptococcus) in 2013. When Stephanie wasn’t in the lab, she could be found riding horses, introducing friends to camping and backpacking, and planning events for the Graduate Christian Fellowship at Duke. After grad school, Stephanie worked as a science editor while discerning a call to ministry. In the fall of 2015, she decided to work with multi-cellular organisms and joined the full-time staff of the Graduate Christian Fellowship, a local chapter of the national campus ministry movement, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. In this role, she uses her degree to help other grad students (and faculty) think about how their faith integrates with their scholarship and research. She doesn’t ride horses as often anymore, but Stephanie still enjoys backpacking and doing almost anything outdoors. In the coming year on campus, she is looking forward to working with an enthusiastic and talented student leadership team and engaging a wider segment of the university as she steps into the position of the primary campus staff person.

Listen to Stephanie’s sermons from Oak Church.