Of First Importance : Bearing the Image

Of First Importance : Bearing the Image

Chris Breslin
1 Corinthians 15:35-49

"White Tree" by Makoto Fujimura

“White Tree” by Makoto Fujimura

Lower 9th Ward, New Orleans

Lower 9th Ward, New Orleans

"Valley of the Dry Bones" by James Nesbitt

“Valley of the Dry Bones” by James Nesbitt

Prayer to the Holy Spirit as Breath by Bruce Benedict

Holy Spirit, Holy Breather,

moving this way and that

invisible to our broken, adamic eyes.

Come Breathe on us.

Come breathe and lift and swirl and fill

Perforate our lives with your holy breathe and

enliven these cold forsaken bones

…winnow away death that life might spring up.

Wind of God, blow far from us

all dark despair, all deep distress, all groundless fears,

all sinful desires, all Satan’s snares, all false values,

all selfish wants, all wasteful worries.

Breath of God, Blow into us your holy presence,

your new creation, your living love, your healing touch,

your unearthly courage, your mighty strength,

your perfect peace, your boundless concern

your divine grace, your neverending joy.

Wind of God, blow strong, blow fresh, blow on us now.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.

“But the deeper, underlying point is that the adjectives of this type, Greek adjectives ending in –ikos, do not describe the material out of which things are made, but the power or energy which animates them.  It is the difference between asking on the one hand “is this a wooden ship or an iron ship?”  (the material from which it is made) and asking  on the other “is this a steam ship or a sailing ship?”  (the energy which empowers it).” -N.T. Wright, Surprised by Hope

Further “Of First Importance” Series Reading

Resounding Truth by Jeremy Begbie

NICNT: 1 Corinthians by Gordon Fee

Anchor Bible Commentary: 1 Corinthians by Joseph Fitzmeyer

Interpretation: 1 Corinthians by Richard B. Hays

Miracles by C.S. Lewis

The Corinthian Body by Dale Martin

Prototype by Jonathan Martin

Resurrection & Moral Order by Oliver O’Donovan

Living the Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

Practice Resurrection by Eugene Peterson

Unapologetic by Francis Spufford

Resurrection and the Son of God by N.T. Wright (academic)

Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright (accessible)



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