The One and the Many

The One and the Many

Chris Breslin
Ephesians 4:1-16

Sermon Resources

The Broken Wall by Markus Barth

Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern Worldby Richard Bauckham

Eldership and the Mission of God by J.R. Briggs & Bob Hyatt

Colossians, Philemon & Ephesians (NICNT Commentary) by F.F. Bruce

Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Goodby Steve Garber

The Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America by Darrell Guder

Creator Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Art of Becoming Humanby Steven Guthrie

Permanent Revolution: Apostolic Imagination & Practice for the 21st Century Church by Alan Hirsch

Ephesians, Colossians, & Philemon (Interpretation Commentary) by Ralph P. Martin

The Open Secret by Lesslie Newbigin

Practice Resurrectionby Eugene Peterson

Ephesians (Belief Theological Commentary) by Allen Verhey & Joseph Harvard

Creating a Missional Culture: Equipping the Church for the Sake of the World by J.R. Woodward

Sermon Notes

APEST Presentation Slides

“The items balanced in the Ephesians scales are God’s calling and human living. … The balancing scales, the axios, centers the Ephesian letter. Everything in Paul’s letter is designed to keep God’s calling (chapters 1-3) and our walking (chapters 4-6) in equilibrium. We cannot measure ourselves by examining ourselves in terms of ourselves, by evaluating ourselves against a non-relational abstraction such as ‘human potential.’ Nor can abstract God into an impersonal ‘truth’ apart from our hearing and responding to the words he uses to call us into life, into holiness, into relationship. We can understand neither God nor ourselves in any living, adequate, and mature way that is an impersonal, non-relational way. When god’s calling and our walking fit, we are growing up in Christ.” –Eugene Peterson

“The very thing that distinguishes this new humanity is the diversity of its members, that the different members are heirs together and sharers of the promise…the community of believers is not a threat to individuality but the place where one discovers it. It is as a member of “one body” that each one lives out her own distinctive gift and calling…Conversely, the individuality of the members is not a threat to community. The unity of the whole arises from the differentiated activity of its members, each contributing something distinctive but necessary for the life of the entire body.” –Steven Guthrie


Psalm 68:18

John 20:13-18, 21

Matthew 28:19-20

Kings Cross Church (The Church Jason went to San Francisco to help plant)

Matthew 21:9-10, 12-17

Bree Newsome taking down the Confederate Flag at the SC State House

Matthew 4:23

Luke 4:18-19/Isaiah 61:1-2

John 3:16-17

Makoto Fujimura’s website

Matthew 9:35

Acts 20:28

John 10:10-15

Luke 15:1-7

John 21:15-17

Matthew 5:3-11

Matthew 7:28-29

Richard Hays’ Duke Faculty Page


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